We students were encouraged to create concept sketches to determine our inclusion in the project. My concept drawing is shown here with the finished gown.

The Brief: Create a garment or sculpture to highlight or enhance a new mannequin launch presented by Ralph Pucci. Girl II. This gown is my entry. Instructions: paper only, 60# bond. Photo: Nir Arieli.

The show was placed in Macy's Herald Square Broadway windows for two weeks, January, 2011. My triptych in graphite on canvas hangs behind the sculptures in the main window.
I was chosen to create wall murals for the show at Ralph Pucci Showroom. The drawings were inspired by the collection of mannequins lined up waiting for attention in the storeroom. Thousands of circles relate directly to the chain link structure of the dress I had designed and built.

The graphite murals and paper chain mail gown were included in Wall, by R. Pucci, published by Glitterati Press, 2011.